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Origin Stories for better bios, LinkedIn profiles,
speeches and presentations

Knowing and sharing your origin stories helps you attract attention, build a powerful personal brand and lead with purpose.

Telling better stories starts with your Origin Stories.

Book a Story Strategy Call

Hi there,

Times have changed, and so have the stories we need to tell. Do your stories reflect your new reality and the way you do business?

If you’re struggling to articulate your story, lack the time or know-how to craft a compelling narrative, or simply need help in writing it, I’m here to help!

What is your Origin Story and what can it do for you?

While it may not be as legendary as Superman’s or as kick-ass as Wonder Woman’s, your Origin Story defines:


Here are just some of the things your story can do for you.

  • Share your journey, inspirations, and the path you’ve chosen
  • Showcase your passion for your product, service, or industry and demonstrate why your unique life experiences, victories, failures, and values make you the perfect fit
  • Establish trust and help you to stand out from the crowd
  • Serve as a compass, guiding your future endeavours
    Confidence in your story gives you
  • CLARITY on your purpose so you can…
  • COMMUNICATE your values and vision…
  • CONNECT with your audience and…
  • CONVINCE them that you’re the solution to their problems.

Client Testimonials

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room.
Your story is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to building a personal brand and marketing your business.
I won’t make outrageous claims or guarantee unrealistic results like others might.
Crafting your ‘Origin Story’ is not a quick fix or silver bullet for all your marketing needs.
But here’s what my clients have experienced:
Getting their story straight has made it easier to connect with customers authentically.
The process as well as the story itself holds immense value, helping you clarify your message and resonate with your audience.

Here’s how the process works:


Reflect on your past and achievements with a custom written questionnaire to get you in the right mindset to tell your story.

Informal Interview

Enjoy a relaxed conversation where I ask thought-provoking questions to help capture your voice and personality.

First Draft

I record and transcribe the interview to write and edit the first draft of your Origin Story that I share with you as a Google Doc.

Edit and Final Draft

Your feedback guides the refinement of the draft into a compelling narrative that captures your unique life experiences and values.

Rest assured, the process is quick and painless. You’ll receive the first draft within 3-5 days after completing the questionnaire and scheduling our chat.

What’s in it for you?

I take your thoughts, ideas, expertise and experience and craft them into something special.
A well-written Origin Story.
If your writing is a turn-off then it’s costing your business money.
Good writing inspires trust.
It inspires action.

I specialise in crafting ‘Your Origin Story’ in plain, accessible language, with each paragraph conveying a single point.

This is your story, told in your voice, designed to be shared. It’s a powerful resource that evolves with you. You can use it for your:

Elevator pitch or framework for job interviews

LinkedIn and social media profiles

About Page or bio on your website

Services page on your website

Script for a compelling video introducing yourself and your values

Opening for speeches or presentations

Multiple blog posts highlighting your past experiences

Finally writing that book or eBook you’ve been procrastinating

Discovering your superpower and reigniting your passion

Summing up your past while explaining your new direction

If you’re intrigued and want to learn more or simply have a no-strings-attached chat about your story, I’d love to hear from you.

Remember, it’s good to talk.

Let’s unleash the power of ‘Your Origin Story’ and transform your business today.

Book a Story Strategy Call

P.S. Don’t let your story go untold. Reach out now to discover how your Origin Story can take your business to new heights.

Get in touch today!